🐝 Become a Gov Certified AI Specialist

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Transform your AI knowledge with The Rundown - the fastest growing AI newsletter in the world

Receive daily insights on cutting-edge AI tools and workflows to boost your productivity, along with the latest and greatest news in the world of AI.

  • Trusted by 400,000+ daily readers for the latest in AI, including top industry experts

  • Discover AI tools and tutorials that skyrocket efficiency and innovation.

  • Stay on top of AI trends and techniques to enhance your work and productivity

Become a Gov Certified AI-Specialist:

Welcome back Gov Buzzers 🐝🐝

Building an empire out of Lego blocks... Sounds fun, right?

Well, buckle up because you're about to build the grown-up version.

With the Certified AI Specialist program by 1000x AI.

Save the Dates:

January 25th-27th 2024 via Zoom

3 days.

Full immersion into the world of AI.

Hands-on program modules.

Think of it like Lego blocks.

Each module is a new block.

Pile them up, and you'll have an AI fortress.

From the basics of AI and machine learning to advanced image, video, and content creation...

You'll master it all.

Modules like:

The Art & Science of Prompt Engineering.

AI-Powered Sales Funnels.

Each one a Lego block.

Each one stacking up to construct your AI expertise.

Why should you care?

Imagine amplifying your productivity, becoming an AI expert, turbocharging your career.

All with the bricks of knowledge you'll gain from this course.

Guidance from visionaries like Mark Allen and Terrance McMahon.

Think of them as your Lego instruction manual.

You'll leave not just with a pile of blocks but with a fully constructed AI Lego empire.

On your mark.

Get ready.

Let's lay the first block of your AI empire today.

P.S. Get an extra 10% off with the code: MEIKO10

Careers in AI

Use the Department of Labor’s CareerOneStop site to search for job openings across the country in AI- and STEM-related occupations, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, and much more.

What would you like to see in this section about careers?

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AI News:

AI Tools:

  • WGMI - Start an AI Software Business in 10 weeks (LINK)

  • My Ask AI - AI Customer Support Assistant (LINK)

  • Promo - AI Video Ads Created in Minutes (LINK)

  • Audio Pen - AI Voice Notes into Text (LINK)

  • Exploding Topics - AI Trends on the Rise (LINK)


Transform your AI knowledge with The Rundown - the fastest growing AI newsletter in the world

Receive daily insights on cutting-edge AI tools and workflows to boost your productivity, along with the latest and greatest news in the world of AI.

  • Trusted by 400,000+ daily readers for the latest in AI, including top industry experts

  • Discover AI tools and tutorials that skyrocket efficiency and innovation.

  • Stay on top of AI trends and techniques to enhance your work and productivity