🐝 This Week in AI Government 2/18/24

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This Week in AI Government: 

AI Tools: 

AI Gov Buzz: Instagram Theme Page

Last month I started my Instagram Theme Page about AI Gov Buzz.

I share the latest headlines about what’s happening in AI that pertains to the federal government, especially when it comes to up-skilling the workforce.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to monetize this page, until I met my mentor, Niklas. I’m not making any money yet as I’m focused on organic growth and putting out good content.

What are Instagram Theme Pages? πŸ€”

Instagram Theme Pages are specific-topic-focused pages that could be about anything - entrepreneurship, cooking tips, travel destinations, and more.

The beauty of these pages is that they don't require you to show your face or even have your own product.

Simply share what you love.

Examples of Instagram Theme Page Success 🌟 

1. @money.focus: This theme page makes $30,000+ per month and only takes 5 minutes of work per week.

2. @warrenbuffettsayings: This theme page made $6,000 in its first month.

How to Make Money with Instagram Theme Pages πŸ’°